Headlight Relay. Main Fuse. Multi Purpose Fuse.

Part Number: 82211FC120
View 82211FC120 Headlight Relay. Main Fuse. Multi Purpose Fuse. Full-Sized Product Image

A Electrical Safety Device that removes Electrical Current from an Electrical Circuit when the Current in the Electrical Circuit is Tool High. B2-Type 120A.

FUSE-MAIN Multi-Purpose FuseHeadlight Relay

Fits Crosstrek, Forester, Impreza, Legacy, Outback, STI, Tribeca, WRX

350 people have looked at this part recently
This product fits 594 vehicle variants.
Subaru: 8 models, 594 variants between 2005 and 2021.
$ 26.52
Starting MSRP excludes taxes, installation, shipping, and retailer charges. Retailer sets actual price. Contact retailer for limited warranty, inventory level, and return policy details.
MSRP $ 26.52
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